Holiday Inn Hannover Airport 302-30…..bugger

April 10, 2012

After the Holiday Inn in Rome now back in Hannover at my most beloved Holiday Inn.

Like always a greeting with a smile and nice chat about the Easter Weekend. Off course she (let’s call her Mrs. L.  🙂 ) immediately said, that she hopes the paper hangs correct…

She gave me room 202 which is on the left side of the hotel and I always stay on the right side. So when I came out of the elevator I walked in the wrong direction…

The room is lovely and king size

They still take care of my vitamines…..No worries, I will eat them

I admit, I turned the napkin as it was upside down. Little items but it should face me and not the airport 🙂

Then came the shock!!! Wrong hanging toilet paper!!! It’s the old story which I told multiple times, whenever they hang a new roll of paper they don’t look at the direction. can’t really blame them for that but still, it is a count for the wrong side 😦

no worries, now it hangs proper 😀

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